C. difficile (or C. diff.) infections cause the worst kind of diarrhea, intestinal pain and discomfort. C. difficile bacteria make poisonous toxins that inflame your gut causing colitis. Worse yet, C. difficile creates debilitating infections that come back again and again, robbing you of your life and comfort. Not only are C. difficile infections resistant to antibiotics, but they are typically CAUSED by antibiotics.
Why Antibiotics Fail
C. difficile bacteria are actually normal residents in your gut. So the presence of C. diff. bacteria inside you is not the problem. C. difficile bacteria only become a problem and cause infections if they are allowed to grow out of control.
Just like a bountiful flower garden that has many kinds of flowers, a healthy gut is filled with all kinds of different microbes. Researchers at the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) believe we have upwards of two thousand different kinds of gut microbes. And, each type of microbe has a unique purpose, its own beauty if you will.
In a lush, vibrant flower garden, the flowers naturally crowd out and suppress the weeds. There are some weeds, but they don’t get much sunlight, space or nutrients. And, just like a lush garden, when your gut balance is healthy, your good microbes keep the bad bacteria at bay.
However, using an antibiotic is like having a bomb going off in your garden. It kills both flowers and weeds alike. “Antibiotic bombs” kill both good and bad bacteria. Without the good bacteria in place to keep bad bacteria in check, the “bad guys” are free to start growing.
The antibiotic created a place where the weeds now have the room and sunlight they need to grow. That is how you end up with a gut overgrowth like C. difficile.
Doctors and Antibiotics Couldn’t Help Me
For four years I suffered from chronic recurring infections. I was prescribed many antibiotics, over and over, by many different doctors. But the antibiotics did not work and in fact, they made me worse. As a microbiologist in the drug industry, it was scary to discover that mainstream medicine did not have the answers and could not help me.
So I had to put my education, work experience and research skills to work in order to find a better way. Thank God I found a way to resolve chronic infections that battled the infection in a different way. And, it addressed the root cause, or why the infection started in the first place.
In 2008, my husband Lester and I turned my new-found freedom into helping many others truly heal from chronic, debilitating, antibiotic resistant infections. Since then, Lester and I have helped over 75,000 people find trusted solutions for resistant infections and chronic gut challenges.
I won the battle and you can too! And I’m going to show you how you can win it.
3 Steps to Win the Fight against C. diff.
Clearly antibiotics are not always the best answer. And newer treatments, such as fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) have considerable downsides, or worse yet, they may not be effective at all. The answer lies in reversing how the problem was created in the first place.
Below are the three steps that Michelle used to overcome recurring infections and these three steps are the backbone of Michelle’s Action Plan for C. difficile in her book:
Stop Infecting Bacteria
Stubborn infections like C. diff. usually require more than just one remedy or treatment for best results. It’s best to attack the infection on multiple fronts, using a combination of remedies that work in different ways.
Probiotics focus on restoring your gut microbiome. Probiotics help restore balance between all the bacteria, fungi and other microbes living inside your gut. Probiotics also help counter some of the side effects of taking antibiotic drugs. And taking the right kind of probiotics can also help heal and restore inflamed intestinal walls and speed the healing process.
Not all probiotics are equal or effective. “True Probiotics” actually inhibit the growth of C. diff. bacteria and other pathogens.
Antibacterial remedies serve as alternatives to antibiotics. Antibacterial herbs, essential oils and other natural substances can be combined together to create powerful yet well-balanced herbal blends. Such blends can directly kill invading bacteria and are naturally immune to the problem of antibiotic resistance. Herbal remedies can also support your immune system and your body’s detoxification pathways for broad-spectrum infection support.
Repair Infection Damage
Just like a well tended garden, your microbiome remains healthy when you pull the weeds, fertilize the soil and prune and cleanse the plants to yield a better harvest.
You pull the weeds by removing C. diff. toxins from your gut. You fertilize your microbiome with probiotics and by eating immune boosting foods that are rich in nutrients and by avoiding foods that feed “bad” bacteria, such as sugar and processed foods. And you prune your microbiome by policing your gut with true probiotics to subdue “bad” bacteria.
Prevent Recurring Infections
Roughly 1/3 of people with C. difficile struggle with recurring infections. The infection may stop temporarily using antibiotic drugs, but it returns again a short while after the drugs are stopped.
C. diff. bacteria are also very hard to kill. C. difficile bacteria form hard protective shells called spores. These spores that can hide in your home on clothing or surfaces and can lead to future infections if you get them inside your mouth.
Because C. diff. is hard to treat and difficult to kill, treatments and remedies for C. diff. must be followed up with lifestyle changes, cleaning, hygiene, prevention and measures to permanently boost the immune system. Otherwise, the infection can return.
It’s also very important to consider the quality of your medical care. If you are seeing a regular mainstream medical doctor, your treatment options will likely be limited to more antibiotics or fecal transplant and no support with your immune system or holistic healing. Also, it’s important to realize that if you have other health problems that weaken your immune system, this can make it harder to recover from any kind of infection, including C. diff. Seeing a Naturopathic or other type of holistic doctor is often the key to success with more challenging or recurring infections, which are often linked with other underlying imbalances in the body.
Start Your Healing Now: Get my Free e-Book
New Probiotics to End Gut Infections – Solutions for C difficile, SIBO, IBS, Leaky Gut and more.
Discover how you can restore your gut and unleash the power of True Probiotics against C. difficile and other gut imbalances.
My free e-Book includes all you need to know about True Probiotics, what they do and how to get them.
We’re Here to Help
If you have any questions, please contact us here and we’d be happy to help you. Lester and I love supporting people just like you discover the power of nature and tools that can restore your health from chronic infections.
Many Blessings,

Microbiologist and Health Advocate
Always consult with your doctor before using any new supplement or dietary change. Healthcare professionals who are experienced in using herbal medicines usually provide the highest level of support for using this protocol or other alternative methods.
* Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
- Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 limits the recurrence of Clostridium difficile-Induced colitis following antibiotic withdrawal in mice. Leo R Fitzpatrick Gut Pathog. 2012; 4: 13
- Probiotics for Prevention of Clostridium difficile Infection. Mills J, Rao K, Young V. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2018 Jan; 34(1): 3–10.
- Saccharomyces boulardii protease inhibits Clostridium difficile toxin A effects in the rat ileum. Castagliuolo et al. Infect Immun. 1996 Dec;64(12):5225-32